The average Smartphone users’ download patience has reduced from 5 seconds to 2 seconds in the last 18 months.

Will Nicholls
5 min readNov 29, 2021


Discovering trends through Industry research and development.

A Smartphone enabled document.

Independent and newswire publication update November 2021

Research and precis conducted by:

Research dissertation UWE Bristol Dr Phillipa Coles

Some discovery facts related to the Estate Agent / Realtor , and E-commerce industry UK, South Africa, US, Australia and NZ

The average Smartphone user spends 3 hours and 15 minutes on their phone 7 days a week, equating to 50 days a year of their lives.

It’s easily the #1 place to go to visit the internet.

The average person picks up their phone 58 times a day or around 22,000 times a year!

70% of sessions on a Smartphone are less than 2 mins.

25% are between 2 and 10 mins.

5% are more than 10 mins.

The average Smartphone users’ download patience has reduced from 5 seconds to 2 seconds in the last 18 months.

The average website takes 10 to 23 seconds to load on a Smartphone.

The average APP has a load time of 2.75 seconds.

The average QR code download from click is 1 second.

Branding continuity continues to be regular problem between websites and APPs

Developers are still behind with industry brand guidelines advice.

In a major survey it transpires that Smartphone users are increasingly focused on APP options but particularly the immediacy of QR scan codes.

QR codes offer a “Right Here Right Now” approach

The Millenial and Gen Z generation continue the strong trend to avoid websites in preference to APP and QR.

Smartphone respondents repeat their preference for a Google like search experience within APPs.

With a minimum of 10% business growth projected every year.

Smartphone users actively look to turn on and turn off notification options for their preferred content engagement.

With a strong preference to search using the familiar “burger bar” APP navigation.

Advanced APP analytics confirm these trends with individual APP operators.

Smartphone users increasingly use APPs for their specific information research such as mortgage calculators or geo maps.

And a dramatic trend towards future notification requests.

All the reports highlight the severe shortcoming of websites to personalise targeted content to the Smartphone.

Smartphone users tend to avoid word documents, excel documents and PDF in their scrolling habits.

But via fixed position Smartphone QR codes, proprietors are now able to change the link or documentation associated with the QR call to action.

They are slightly more likely to engage with a live google document but prefer the instant update content within an APP or the point and get what they need immediately from a QR scan.

This QR trend is igniting a revolution and a reversal to print marketing techniques, particularly public spaces inside or outside.

The Smartphone user demands through QR are expanding, particularly video, appointment booking, discount vouchers, geo location and pay now functionality.

QR can connect directly to payment platforms such as PayPal or Stripe via Smart form pages and indirectly to e-commerce check out.

Dynamic QR continues to experience huge growth with a focus on touchless interaction but also specific information interaction.

Users still avoid downloading APPs onto their Smartphone desktop unless it’s a progressive web app or PWA which has up to 300 times less Smartphone memory depletion.

The “do and delete” App culture of Smartphone users is still very prevalent because of continued Smartphone memory issues.

The extrapolated information within the Estate Agency / Realtor and Retail sector.

“Connecting professionally to the Smartphone user for more Completions and more E-commerce sales”

The growth of instant gratification appears high on the Smartphone users agenda.

The route to instantaneous information has been calculated within QR scan reporting systems.

The “Call to Action” is increasingly getting more diverse and sophisticated, many bespoke to particular campaigns.

The pandemic drives contactless information more and more to QR codes for a myriad of instant solutions.

Reports prove that dynamic QR connected to instant updates is a more trusted conduit for Smartphone property information than websites.

Smart brochures and printed leaflets are seen increasingly as a trusted and rapid information point using smart QR, in part reversing the trend for paperless communications.

Although QR codes also have a live link capability for social media sharing.

QR scan reporting systems bear little relevance to high street opening times, suggesting highly visual QR uptake in multiple locations on a 24/7 basis

Including window dressing inside and out.

Vehicles, VCards, commercial hoardings, QR video alongside photos, for sale boards, bespoke brochures and leaflets.

Increasingly, high quality QR printed and framed for strategic alliances and affiliations gains momentum.

We hope you find this and Newswire article of interest.

Research contributors: Maltix Fliplet UWE Bristol

Research Precis Compiler



Will Nicholls
Will Nicholls

Written by Will Nicholls

The Maltix goal is to solve the problems of senior Business people using a portfolio of smartphone friendly digital solutions.

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